what does payrolling mean?

Payrolling means that you as an employer are in charge of selecting your own personnel, recruit and guide them, but the risks and legal obligations that come with it are outsourced. In other words, your employees are under contract with a payrolling company and this party arranges all administrative, financial and legal matters regarding your personnel.

Together with Randstad, it is easy to set up a payroll structure. Meaning we make sure everything is taken care of for you and your employees! We will take over the legal employership. This will prevent risks and worries about:

  • continued payment in the event of an employee's illness;
  • providing paychecks;
  • processing reports of illness and recovery;
  • pay payroll taxes.

So, you no longer have to worry about the employment contract, the payroll administration, or guidance in case of absenteeism due to illness. You can fully focus on your own work. Thats what we call being smart while hiring employees!

see how payrolling works

our different services.

a service fit for your company, custom made. You decide! Want to know more? Get in touch!

what is payrolling at randstad?

Want to know more about how payroll works at Randstad? Our payroll structures are very simple. We have three different service options that can be tailored to your organization. We call this modular pluses. The best of all services customized for you.

payroll digital

Whether you're looking for efficiency, convenience, or a combination of both, our system provides everything you need. Discover the benefits for yourself and experience how easy it can be to have everything in one clear platform.

  • accessible always and everywhere ! Whether you are on the road, in the office, or working from home: our platform is accessible 24/7 on any device;
  • everything in one clear portal: invoices, hours, placements, contracts – everything at your fingertips with just a few clicks;
  • easily manage it yourself: extensions and registrations through our portal, as simple as an online order;
  • super simple and accessible: our platform is as easy to use as your favorite online store. Suitable for everyone!
  • quick support: our support team answers questions within 1 day and processes registrations within 2 days.

payroll work perspective

In a constantly changing work environment, a good work perspective is essential. That’s why we have developed a system that is fully employee-centered.

  • personal onboarding and offboarding: we ensure a smooth start and a fitting farewell, fully tailored to your and your employees' wishes!
  • complete HR conversation cycle: guide your employees through every stage of their development with a customized conversation cycle that promotes growth and engagement;
  • active absenteeism prevention: prevent absenteeism and keep your employees vital and motivated;
  • employee-centered work perspective: we put the employee at the center, focusing on sustainable employability and job satisfaction;
  • all-in-one digital portal: all necessary information at your fingertips, with a focus on the long-term employability of your employees;
  • no HR knowledge or capacity? No problem! Randstad takes care of everything for you, from onboarding to sustainable cooperation. We ensure the best experience for you and your employees!

payroll hr-advice

With our advice, you not only get practical tools and insights to improve personnel policy but also tailored solutions that increase employee engagement and satisfaction.

  • regional point of contact with a personal touch: always a payroll advisor nearby who knows and understands you. For all your questions and advice, directly available in your region!
  • quarterly reviews for a strong partnership: together we set HR goals and work on a concrete roadmap for optimal results;
  • access to labor market portal: gain valuable insights into national and regional labor market developments, and stay updated on the latest trends in your industry;
  • insights via Randstad employer brand research: receive industry-related reports and analyses to strengthen your position as an employer and attract the best talent;
  • cost control and efficient management: prevent unnecessary costs, such as transition fees, by effectively managing expiring assignments;
  • REBR reports and market insights: stay up-to-date with current reports and data about the labor market through our labor market portal;
  • proactive pool conversations and HR advice: regular consultations with experts and pool conversations to improve your HR strategies and receive direct advice.

payroll complete

Our complete payroll service offers everything you need for efficient personnel management. Combine digital payroll, work perspective, and HR advice and experience all the benefits for your company.

get in touch!

Are you curious about what else we can do for you? Contact us by filling in this form, and you will receive a response within one working day. Prefer to call? We are available on weekdays from 08:30 - 17:00 at 020 398 90 30. We would be happy to explain everything to you personally.

the added value of payrolling with randstad

There are several reasons why companies choose a payroll structure with Randstad:

  • good employer practices;
  • up-to-date knowledge of the labor market;
  • tailored advice;
  • personal collaboration.

Below you can see what such a partnership with a payroll company looks like in practice and how it helps your organization move forward:

good employer practices

Our goal: to give everyone an 8+ for the payroll structure. We ensure the same employment conditions as permanent employees and provide advice or other workers after the payroll contract ends. Payroll employees have free access to Randstad online courses and training for personal development.

up-to-date knowledge of the labor market

We combine our knowledge with market data and share this through newsletters, white papers, and personal advice for your personnel policy. This way, we are always prepared for market demands and personnel challenges.

tailored advice

We work together to find the best solution for your personnel issues. Customization, of course. Think of in-house, pool management, recruitment and selection, or a combination. This ensures that we always have the right people in the right places.

personal collaboration 

We believe in sustainable collaborations and pair you with a dedicated contact person, an account advisor who specializes in your field. This way, you always have a trusted face to rely on who knows your business well.

We hear you thinking: it’s great that you can relieve us, but what does it cost? With the form below, you can request the rate directly and without obligation.

Would you like to get to know us first or do you have other questions? Contact us by filling in this form or call 020 398 90 30. We would be happy to explain everything to you personally. You can also always read this blog, where we give you 8 tips to make your choice between payroll companies a bit easier!

beautiful collaborations

As a company, you are nothing without your customers, and we have the privilege of collaborating with wonderful organizations. We also do this for Payroll with GGD Groningen and Zuyd Hogeschool! Read more here about how they experience this collaboration.

> the meaning of payrolling for GGD Groningen

> the meaning of payrolling for Zuyd Hogeschool

More than 1000+ clients and customers rate our services with an 8+. Want to know more about how we achieved this success? Contact us through this link, or call 020 398 90 30. We would love to personally explain what payroll is and how we can help your business. 

payrolling specialist in your field of work

Over the past 60 years, we have been the worldwide hr-expert specialised in different fields of work. That is why you can trust us with your eyes closed on our knowledge and experience. We are always eager to know how the market is or will be moving, and we have up-to-date knowledge about collective agreements within those different fields. We offer security with an extended network of legal specialists, to make sure contracts will always follow the latest laws and regulations. Therefore your organisation will be ready to face today and tomorrow. 

Randstad is the hr-specialist within these fields:

  • education;
  • healthcare;
  • customer service;
  • logistics;
  • hospitality;
  • & government.

what is payrolling?

  • what is a payroll agreement?

    A payroll agreement is a 'contract' between two companies in which agreements are set about the legal employment status of employees. This concerns employees who have been selected by the client, but are Randstad's responsibility for legal employment status and associated risks. The agreement also discusses which selected product forms are best suited for your company and which arrangements are involved.

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • what does payroll mean?

    Payrolling means recruiting your own employees without taking care of contracts, administration and other employer obligations. It actually brings numerous advantages for employers. Recruit, select, and guide your own employees, we take care of the rest.

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • how does payrolling work?

    When working with a payroll construction, you outsource the legal responsibility you have as an employer. This means you are in charge of recruiting, selecting and guiding the new employees, but you don't carry these risks. You also don't have to do the payroll administration, we take over those tasks for you. 

    The portal process is as follows:

    • you register the employee with us through the online portal - this only takes 2 minutes;
    • from this point, we take over your tasks;
    • we contact the employee and within 24 hours they can start working.

    This way we take care of everything for you!

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • what is the added value of payroll?

    We offer numerous advantages for you and your company through payrolling:

    • ease - we take care of personnel administration and absenteeism guidance;
    • outsourcing risks - you outsource your employership to us, so you no longer have to deal with legal risks such as illness or disability;
    • clarity - your personnel costs are set in advance and we will arrange the payroll administration for you. This way you will never be faced with any surprises;
    • flexibility - need extra employees as soon as possible? With payroll you are flexible, making sure your workforce always suits the situation;
    • satisfied employees - payroll employees receive the same employment conditions as permanent employees.

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • what are the costs of payrolling?

    Since the 'balanced labor market act' was introduced in 2020, payroll companies are obligated to follow the client's collective labor agreement. This gives payroll employees the same rights and rewards as permanent employees. In addition, this means the costs of payrolling are dependent on the employment conditions. When working with Randstad for payrolling, depending on the selected product, the conversion factor can start at 1.77. We are happy to get in touch with you to give more information on the costs for your specific situation. 

    Example calculation 'regular payroll employees':

    • employee's gross hourly wage: €11,-
    • conversion factor: 1.7437
    • costs paid for employee: €11,- x 1.7437 = €19,18 per hour worked, ex. VAT

    Example calculation 'AOW workers':

    • AOW pension = a basic state pension provided by the Dutch government to people who have reached the pension age
    • employee's gross hourly wage: €11,-
    • conversion factor: 1.3019
    • costs paid for employee: €11,- x 1.3019 = €14,32 per hour worked, ex. VAT

    > get a price quote from our team
    > get in touch with our advisors and ask all your questions

  • do I need to have an entity in The Netherlands to payroll?

    No! If you, as an employer, have recruited employees who you want to deploy from The Netherlands, we can help you! Randstad takes over the legal employership of these employees. That's why it's not necessary to have an entity in The Netherlands.

    Since Randstad Payroll Solutions has also been a recognized reference at the IND* for years, we are able to pay residents of the European Union and abroad. Invoicing abroad is also no problem, as long as we have approval from your legal and risk department. 

    *IND = Immigration and Naturalization Service

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • what is the difference between payrolling and candidates on assignment?

    When working with candidates on assignment, you work with temporary employees and we recruit those employees for you. When working with payrolling, you are in charge of your employees, but we take care of the administrative tasks and payroll administration for you. 

    Want to know more about the difference? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • what is the difference between secondment and payrolling?

    The difference between secondment and payrolling is in the agreement. In both cases, there is a legal employer, Randstad, and a client. When you work with secondment, a client calls on Randstad to find suitable employees for an assignment with a fixed term. When this assignment has been completed, the employee will return to Randstad.

    With payrolling, exclusivity applies to the client that recruited the employee. Randstad follows the term as discussed by the client and employee and when this contract expires, the employee's contract with Randstad will expire as well. 

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • can I payroll AOW workers, highly skilled migrants and interns?

    Yes. You can payroll your AOW workers*, highly skilled migrants and interns. We charge lower rates for these employees. Want to know more? Fill in this contact form, or call us on 020 398 90 30. Read more about payrolling highly skilled migrants here!

    *AOW pension = a basic state pension provided by the Dutch government to people who have reached the pension age

    *AOW workers = the people receiving this pension

  • is randstad a recognized reference at the IND?

    Yes, Randstad has been a recognized reference at IND* for years. Your highly skilled migrants can be payrolled with Randstad. In addition, we can facilitate special conditions such as the 30% percent ruling and even take over the complete application. 

    *IND = Immigration and Naturalization Service

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • what does payrolling mean for my employees?

    Your employees are in good hands! We always pay all employees on time and in accordance with your collective labor agreement. In addition, we also offer numerous extras. When working with us, employees have access to our online My Randstad portal. Here they can find their pay slips and declarations. All employees can also follow free additional courses and trainings. 

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • what happens when an employee is ill?

    When an employee of Randstad Payroll Solutions becomes ill, we (Randstad) are always responsible for the 'Gatekeeper Improvement Act'. We are the employer on paper and support and guide the employee during this illness. We are also responsible for a succesful reintegration. Of course, all of this happens in contact and consultation with you as our client. As a client, you can choose whether you want to insure your healthcare costs through Randstad or whether you want to bear this risk yourself. 

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

  • is payrolling wage labor?

    Yes, as a payroll employee you are employed by the payroll organisation. When working with us, Randstad Payroll Solutions will be that organisation. The payroll organisation has made agreements with your employer regarding the hirer obligation, takeover of employees and the term of the contracts.

    For payroll employees, the fixed-term employment contracts, as mentioned in the collective labor agreement of the client, are applied. The client and the employee make binding agreements about the duration of the assignment. Randstad follows the agreements made and will facilitate this. 

    Want to know more? Get in touch with our advisors!

get started with payrolling

►  contact us by calling: 020 398 90 30 (we are available on weekdays from 08:30h - 17:00h)
►  you can also ask your question by filling in the contact form below

We would love to assist you in finding a solution fitted to your company!

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